Larry Silver is available on a select basis for commercial work including corporate annual reports, on site display, advertising, and environmental portraiture. Although Mr. Silver has had a long career producing commercial work, Mr. Silver now only engages in assignments that allow him to include his artistic vision as seen from the images on this site.

Larry Silver's commercial work has been recognized by the following:

Advertising Photographers of America "Awards Book 2.", 1992
Silver Award, Photo/Design Magazine, 1992
Winner of the 1992 Creative Blackbook Award.
American Photographers of New York awards exhibition, 1995
American Society of Media Photographers "Ten Thousand Eyes"celebration of 150 years of photography, 1991
First Prize and two Special Awards at the International Photographic Exhibition, "China Through A Foreigner's Eyes." National Museum of Chinese History, Beijing, 1997

Corporate accounts include: Casio, IBM, Citibank, Eastern Airlines, Canon, Merril Lynch, American Express, Proctor and Gamble, Department for Economic Development, Virginia, U. S. Armed Forces, U.S Post Office.

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